Jacob Nordangård
The perfidious transfiguration of democracy into technocracy
I first learned about Jacob Nordangård from American author Patrick Wood's third book dedicated to technocracy “The Evil Twins of Technocracy and Transhumanism” (2022). And because I had already read Patrick Wood's two previous books, “Technocracy Rising. The Trojan Horse Of Global Transformation” (2014) and “Technocracy: The Hard Road to World Order” (2018), as well as following the website he runs (https://www.technocracy.news), I was filled with a great respect for this scholar. I realized how important it is to fathom the “mystery of iniquity” hidden behind this strategy of establishing a world tyranny. That is why I was also curious to find out one particular author recommended by him.
So I discovered and immediately ordered the book “Rockefeller: Controlling the Game” (2019). This was the first work of Jacob Nordangård to be translated into English. I realized that this is a dedicated researcher of admirable scientific meticulousness, who has a very special talent for investigating unknown areas of power networks built up over time. The identification of relvant documents, of the sophisticated connections between key figures and institutions, which have criss-crossed the structure of society on a worldwide scale, following an extremely complex and therefore difficult to detect an evil plan, reveals the true vocation of a very valuable scholar. But such a professional qualification would not be so precious if it were not accompanied by the courage to formulate truths that are inconvenient for the powerful of this world and therefore risky for the person who brings them to light.
If the gullible who allow themselves to be deceived by the manipulators of the System with the formula “conspiracy theory” would read a books such as this with pencil in hand, they would have a chance to regain their clairvoyance and grasp the “big picture” of the world. I have been eagerly awaiting the appearance in English of our friend Jacob's book, which is in fact a sequel of previous one, mentioned above. It is “The Global Coup d'État: The Fourth Industrial Revolution and the Great Reset”. It is this book that will be discussed below.

The present book is the fruit of events of unprecedented scale and gravity in world history, which have unfolded with astonishing rapidity since March 2020, with the worldwide staging of the “historical accelerator” unleashed under the cover of the fake Covid-19 pandemic. This global tsunami has not taken our author by surprise. Throughout his entire academic career he has already managed to scrutinize the origins, conceptual sources, actors and practical tools of operation of the evil elites bent on world domination. And a testament to Jacob Nordangård's preparedness to decipher the generalized offensive against the entire world under the cover of a false pandemic is his seminal book on the Rockefeller clan, written on the eve of these major events.
The road to world domination
The century-long preoccupation of the famous Rockefeller family with taking control of health care, first in the US and then worldwide, its involvement in the development of injectable serums called “vaccines”, and in what has since become Big Pharma were well known to our author ― as well as its role as initiator of “family planning” and “reproductive health” policies as a manifestation of the Malthusian obsession with reducing the world population.
If we remember that it was the Rockefeller clan that was behind the creation of the UN and the WHO, our author has easily deciphered the whole strategy of the psychological warfare aimed at radically transforming the whole world, launched under the code name Covid-19.
And if we also keep in mind that exactly ten years before this macabre spectacle was staged, the Rockefeller Foundation was “predicting” exactly what would happen in 2020, Jacob was obviously one of the most prepared authors to meet and unravel that plan. I have in mind the Rockefeller Foundation's well-known 2010 annual report containing the “prophetic” chapter “Operation Lockstep”, which lays out in minute detail the sinister hoax launched in 2020. That document was as much part of the predictive programming strategy as it was a set of recommendations for the pawns in the WHO and “national” governments, who are given a road-map ahead of time, with all the pseudo-scientific argumentation and exceptional measures that are required.
Here we also need to take into account the fact that the myth of global warming was also elaborated in the same laboratories created by the omnipresent and omnipotent Rockefeller clan through the Club of Rome think tank created by David Rockefeller in 1968, as well as through the Rockefeller Foundation, to become since 1992 part of the official policy of the UN patronized by the same circles of influence. And from here, the direct plunge into the Great Reset announced in 2020 appears as a logical consequence of the strategies pursued for several decades.
Cognitive war centers and alarmist myths
By leaning on a multitude of undeniable documents, by systematizing them in a perfectly academic manner, and by avoiding any statements not covered by relevant facts, Jacob Nordangard reveals the entire structure of the globalist octopus. First, the fact that his exposition is based on incontestable arguments saves him from any accusation that he exposes some fanciful theories. Thus, the author offers a perspective that goes beyond the fragmented, atomized perception of reality, showing that the merit of providing a coherent, perfectly logical and well-structured image of the world today is worthy of all consideration.
Introducing the reader into the subject of his book, the author recalls that throughout history every empire has had some geographical boundaries, but none of them managed to achieve the feat of expanding to the scale of the whole world. And only in the historical period in which we are living, as a result of the scientific and technological revolutions, the golden dream of extraterritorial elites, lacking any loyalty to any state, become achievable. And at the same time, their essence changes, or at least the form of total control over humanity. The transformation of plutocracy into technocracy remains unnoticeable for the vast majority, but not for the attentive eye of our researcher.
This book also has the merit of shedding light on how the 'money masters' have managed to gain colossal influence over key areas of society such as politics, education, science, health care, culture and the media. One of the basic instruments of this incredible success is the constellation of foundations with philanthropic pretensions. It is precisely through these foundations that the barons of capitalism in banking, oil, industry and international trade have succeeded in reshaping first American society, then European countries, and now the whole world. Suffice it to list here the Carnegie Foundation, the Ford Foundation, the Rockefeller Foundation, the Soros Foundation (the Open Society with its tens of thousands of affiliated NGOs in the USA and around the world), the Gates Foundation, etc.
And because we have been programmed through the education systems and official discourse to take for granted the authority of institutions such as the UN, our author reminds us at the very beginning of his book of the circumstances of the creation of the League of Nations after World War I and of the United Nations after World War II. These were conceived as forms of exercising global governance on behalf of all the countries of the world, but in fact in the interests of private groups imposing strategies of domination under the guise of universal peace and prosperity.
The Club of Rome as a false alarm ring
Jacob Nordangård's succinct presentation of the quintessence and subversive role of the Club of Rome shows that it was conceived from scratch as a tool for the promotion of alarmist theories that “saving the planet” would require deindustrialization, economic contraction and depopulation, otherwise humanity would be threatened with imminent collapse. The author points out that the concern for the problems of all mankind is in fact just a smokescreen to cover up the elites' real aims of domination and control. And for the enthusiasts of multipolarity and BRICS as a way out from under the hegemony of the US and the collective West, Jacob reminds us that as early as 1977 one of the leading lights of the Club of Rome, the Hungarian-American philosopher Ervin László wrote the report “Goals for Mankind: A Report to the Club of Rome on the New Horizons of Global Community”. That document, our author says, emphasizes an idea fundamental to the globalists' vision of managing humanity. “According to their computer models, a sustainable utopia should ideally have a global population of 500 million, in a world divided into interdependent regions”. So the call was for depopulation and global governance through regional institutions affiliated to a single command center.
The globalists' message is always the same. To deal with global risks, we need institutions that can take appropriate action. This is the magic formula of the Hegelian problem-reaction-solution dialectic. In other words, those aiming for a certain effect invent a problem (or augment/deepen an existing one) in order to get a certain kind of reaction from the target audience. Then they come up with the miraculous solution. In this respect, the author reminds us of the alleged threats put to the service of the goals of these circles of interest: the nuclear threat (exploited during the Cold War), overpopulation, pollution, global warming, terrorism, economic crises, refugee crises, pandemics, cyber threats. The recipes for overcoming these dangers are offered to the public on a conveyor belt.
All crises therefore inexorably require a single global authority superior to national governments. Among the theorists of a global management from a single command center are David Rockefeller's illustrious employees and partners Zbigniew Brzeziński and Henry Kissinger. It is no coincidence that the latter, who has reached the venerable age of 100, has been praised and revered in equal measure by Donald Trump, Vladimir Putin and Xi Jinping, who treat him as the supreme authority on international relations.
The green agenda as universal religion
The author reminds us of the succession of events and the series of conventions that have brought the United Nations to the level envisioned a century ago by the founders of this organization, namely that of an undeclared world government. These include the 1992 Earth Summit in Rio de Janeiro and the United Nations Conference on Environment and Development. The main achievement of this event, which brought together representatives of all the world's countries, was to promote the myth of climate change. The United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change was adopted. So, after the disappearance of the nuclear threat following the dissolution of one of the two rival blocs, the USSR, the threat of global warming is now at the forefront of the international arena. And this requires supranational policies and the unanimous acceptance of strategies to reshape the entire system of international relations. Nation states have received a soft blow of enormous gravity, without feeling their sovereign rights violated. Since that historic moment, Agenda 21, adopted in Rio, has taken on the authority of a new universal religion, to which all countries are devoted, irrespective of their rivalries. In this sense, the research presented by our author can be deepened by reading another book on this subject, namely “Behind the Green Mask: U.N. Agenda 21” by Rosa Koire.
Nordangård brings back to our attention the whole process of methodical implementation, seamlessly coordinated with a whole range of international organizations and UN agencies of the updated version of Agenda 21, namely the UN 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, adopted at the General Assembly in September 2015 in Paris. Since then, the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) have become the road-map for all governments of the world's countries and seemingly rival regional organizations, such as, for example, the European Union and the BRICS. This Utopian document is reproduced in the official documents of all states, becoming official strategies, framework laws, government programs. The self-description of the 2030 Agenda is eloquent: “a common plan for peace and prosperity for people and planet, now and in the future”.
We recall here the essence of the framework document adopted on December 12, 2015 in Paris: “The Paris Agreement is a treaty under the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, which governs measures to reduce carbon dioxide emissions from 2020 onwards.” By meticulously unraveling all the connections and implications of framework documents of crucial importance for mankind, the author describes how such a generalized consensus of all countries could be reached. In fact, what we are talking about here is a surrender without a fight of all the world's states to private entities, which impose their will through supranational organizations such as the UN, the EU, etc. It is precisely in order to achieve such a universal consensus that the world's hyperclass has invested for decades in various authoritative academic projects, in the scientific press and in the training of new political elites according to the pre-determined model.
The uniparty globalist system does not tolerate deviations
The reader of these lines might be reasonably skeptical about the degree of obedience of all world leaders to the policies formulated in the above documents. In that case they should ask themselves why none of the leaders of states and governments question the gross falsehood about anthropogenic global warming. The answer is simple. Most of them do not do so out of simple ignorance, and others, more informed, out of complicity with the masters of the dominant discourse.
And for those who still believe that the UN is a platform for dialogue between states, I mention just one aspect that shows who the masters of this organization really are. It is the UN-WEF Partnership Agreement signed in June 2019. Here is what it says: “accelerating the implementation of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development by deepening institutional coordination and collaboration between the UN and WEF”. Nordangård reminds us that the “public-private partnership” formula applies in this case, which in fact subordinates the public interest to private ends.
In fact, it is the World Economic Forum (WEF), which brings together the world's billionaires, political leaders, celebrities of all kinds and the big media owners, that is the subject of the author's in-depth and complex analysis. An informal club of the world oligarchy such as the one mentioned here until very recently escaped the attention of the general public; since the outbreak of the fake pandemic it has become highly visible. And its leader, Klaus Schwab, has emerged as an oracle who not only predicts but also imposes a future devoid of any alternative.
As a matter of curiosity, in the chapter analyzing the WEF's work, the author gives a list of those who have gone through the Young Global Leaders school of globalist training. It includes Tony Blair, Angela Merkel, Vladimir Putin, Nicolas Sarcozy, Jose Manuel Barosso, Justin Trudeau, Emmanuel Macron, etc. And if the Western leaders do not raise any questions, the presence of the Russian president among them may raise some puzzlement. The same information was also given by Klaus Schwab in a video circulating online. Neither Putin himself nor his spokesman, Dmitry Peskov, has ever denied this information. Perhaps it is precisely because they all went to the same school that they have shown total obedience to the WHO's diktat under the false Covid-19 pandemic and are unhesitatingly carrying out the technocracy's entire program of imposing a digital GULAG under the pretexts of health or climate.
Th permanent state of emergency and the 4IR
In this context, there is a fundamental point that the author emphasizes. In order not to be confused by the real conflicts existing between different states and groups of states horizontally, it is imperative to understand the general framework from which none of the international actors deviate from vertically imposed globalist policy (through the UN, WHO, BIS, WTO, etc.). Furthemore, economic and even military confrontations do not cancel out, but only give impetus to the common agenda. It should not be forgotten that war itself is the ultimate expression of the strategy of maintaining maximum social tension, which makes it possible for states to limit citizens' rights and impose any abusive measures. In this sense, the 'shock doctrine' described by Naomi Klein or the permanent “state of emergency” described by Kees van der Pijl are perfectly in line with the strategies of domination and control.
Jacob Nordangård presents us with a rigorous exposition of what is known as the Fourth Industrial Revolution (4IR). At the time of the concept's launch, few people knew what it was all about. But the global earthquake of 2020 known as Covid-19 has made us look retrospectively at its author and its purpose. Jacob reminds us that Klaus Schwab originally set out his theory in the US globalist elite magazine Foreign Affairs in December 2015, and that the book of the same title originally appeared on January 11, 2016. To understand the seriousness of the transformations engineered by the technocracy, it suffices to quote directly from the WEF website, which begins its presentation of the book in question thus:
Omnipresent, mobile supercomputing. Intelligent robots. Self-driving cars. Neuro-technological brain enhancements. Gene editing. The evidence of dramatic change is all around us and happening at exponential speed.
In short, Schwab explains, the Fourth Industrial Revolution means “a merging of our physical, digital, and biological worlds.” And this nightmarish world is presented as a natural, inevitable, and above all beneficial development for mankind. Nordangård lists all the 23 profound changes that 4IR is aiming for. Just reading them gives one the shivers, in response to the of a dystopian outlook imposed by the masters of this world.
The Swedish researcher mentions that following the above-mentioned book Schwab published in 2018 another work, in which he developed his ideas: &ldquoShaping the Fourth Industrial Revolution&rdquo. Here we review the four key sections of the book, which coincide with the WEF's objectives:
- Expanding digital technologies (Internet of Things)
- Reshaping the physical world (artificial intelligence and robotics)
- Changing the human being (neuro- and bio-technologies)
- Integrating the environment (space technology and geoengineering).
One of the basic objectives of all this is that human behavior and functions “are influenced directly as well as subtly”.
Casting the fake pandemic of 2020 as a trigger event, the globalist elites have been quick to present it as a “golden opportunity” for the Great Reset. The concept is set out by the same Klaus Schwab, both in a speech delivered from the WEF platform and, more particularly, in the book co-authored with Tierry Malleret “Covid-19: The Great Reset”. Since that moment the imposition of the dystopian agenda of technocratic tyranny has been unfolding at full speed. And the two authors have persevered in imposing their dystopian worldview on us with a new book, “The Great Narrative” published in 2021, which continues to prophesy the terrestrial paradise of the digital GULAG.
Remedies for Trumpomania
One of the most valuable chapters of our Swedish friend's book is the eighth chapter, entitled “The Trump Card” Jacob's investigation of the “Trump phenomenon” is of particular importance, especially in the context of the generalized Trumpomania that has engulfed enormous numbers of people. Donald Trump is methodically unmasked here both by exposing his dubious business connections and by his membership in the ruling hyperclass, whose agenda he advanced with soldierly diligence during his first term. And his resounding success is easy to understand. The simple strategy of telling the public exactly what it wants to hear has been applied.
From his connections to sinister figures such as Henry Kissinger, Bill Gates, Antony Fauci and Jeffrey Epstein, to moving the US embassy in Israel from Tev-Aviv to Jerusalem and enthusiastically supporting the Third Temple project, everything reveals a venal character infiltrated among sovereignists to deceive them in the interests of globalists.
The paraphrasing of Trump's slogan “America First” by __“Israel First&_rdquo; perfectly characterizes his priorities, as well as his funding sources and the government team he announced. Once the electoral dust has settled, the acronym MAGA takes on a whole different meaning.
In fact, Trump's re-election and the nomination of his favorites for the next cabinet of ministers perfectly confirm his identity profile sketched by our author earlier this year.
And to dispel any illusions about the Trump's figure, it suffices to recall his association with Elon Musk, who promises us all a hole in the head through which he will insert the chip, and the augmenting of us all to the point of total dehumanization. Musk has been announced as a member of the incoming cabinet of the new US President, which shows the very nature of this regime aligned with the implementation in the US and around the world of UN Agenda 20230, i.e. the rapid establishment of digital tyranny.
The Trump phenomenon reveals once again the death of ideologies, highlighting the uniformization of all political orientations under the sceptre of the all-powerful technocracy. Politics is dead, and political actors are nothing but servants of the masters of techno-science.
Man augmented by technical prostheses, without free will, without discernment, without moral criteria and without memory, plunges directly from science fiction into non-fictional reality. “Techno-populism” with Trump's mask on it has nothing in common with sovereigntism. It pushes humanity towards its terminus station to the applause of crowds bewitched by populist discourse.
How to Stop the Techno-Totalitarian Order
Our Swedish friend's book is not only an excellent source of information, showing the holistic picture of today's world, but a real plea for awakening people and urging them to resist. At the end of his work he mentions that since 2020 more and more people are realizing the threatening developments unfolding with overwhelming speed, arguing that this is how “resistance is growing”. The epilogue's optimistic conclusion is worth quoting in full:
In the end, the Emperor will stand nacked and alone. The empire falls. It is like a law of nature. And what will happen after that is up to us.
Fully sharing the author's optimism, I would make a few remarks in this context. The death of the democratic paradigm, which came with the introduction of draconian and libertarian measures in 2020, shocked both the general public and those in the anti-System area of thought. And yet the triumphal march of technocratic tyranny is not yet perceived as total and irreversible. The illusion of recourse to the means of political struggle that was valid at least in part until the “Covid-19 moment” prevents us from correctly assessing the new international conjuncture, projected onto the domestic situation in each country.
The entrenchment of outdated political models of man, anesthetized by subtle social engineering, pushes him into the arms of the old hope that salvation can only come within the liberal paradigm. The solutions known in the political-legal formula of the rule of law ― elections, multiparty system, social dialogue, petitions, freedom of expression, freedom of assembly and association ― still seem to be applicable in the new post-democratic and post-liberal conditions. Inertia of thought prevents us from realizing that this system of reference is neither axiomatic nor perennial. The inability to make a paradigmatic leap that would take us out of the atmosphere of being spell, maintained by the spectre of a defunct past, which keeps us in a state of conceptual and volitional paralysis. The path to true freedom lies in getting out of the liberal-democratic matrix that serves only to enslave us.
In other words, the time has come to realize that a return to what we think of as the “golden age” is impossible. The world of yesterday has been buried by the new technocratic regime which retains the old political and legal framework only as a maskirovka. But in order to defeat this monster we need to emerge from under the ruins of the old world. The world will never be as it was. And the future to match our expectations depends on a major break with the sirens of the past.
The clock is ticking at an increasing speed. The rapidly unfolding world coup can end successfully for the enemies of humanity at any moment. In the conditions of a total war of the evil elites against us, it is necessary to recognize as quickly as possible the fact that we are already in a state of war. Will we be able to awaken and regain the instinct of collective self-preservation before it is too late?
In today's conditions neither the theological, nor the eschatological perspective should escape us. The offensive of satanic technocracy requires the abandonment of vulgar secularism and self-sufficient anthropocentrism. But we hope to learn about all this from the new book that our friend Jacob is writing right now: “Temple of Solomon”.
Hurry up and order this book: https://substack.com/home/post/p-151059643.