Dear friends and readers,
As you probably know, we have started intensive preparations for Chisinau Forum 2024.
I have written an article on this subject: I have also sent a series of invitations to several leading intellectuals in the international Resistance to the globalist system. Among the personalities I made a point of inviting was my English friend from Poland Julian Rose, who gave a truly exceptional speech at Chisinau Forum 2023. See: . Mr Julian Rose is the President of International Coalition to Protect the Polish Countryside. See:; Map of agricultural protests starting on February 9, 2024:;

I find his comment on my invitation and the clarification of terminology extremely relevant. I reproduce below the message I received from him, with the author's prior permission, of course.
Just read your fine article - and I'd say it's spot-on for the May forum - penetrating analysis.
I would like to suggest that you use the title you mention in the text:
Unrestricted warfare as the multidimensional strategy of a Luciferian élite for full-spectrum domination of the world.
It is stronger and more to the point than UNRESTRICTED-WARFARE-A-Holistic-Approach-to-the-Great-Reset
“In face of total spiritual evil, of superhuman demonic forces, we do not have any chance of success using only human potential. The lack of equality of arms means our eternal defeat.”
“It is up to us whether we choose to play the role of losers or prefer the mission of conquerors, making a huge paradigmatic leap and donning the armor of new crusaders. To conclude, our choice is very simple: whom to obey, God or Satan. There is no third option. Human autonomy is a perfect trap which blinds us and pushes our Resistance into a suicidal bind”
That is the key message for humanity to take on board today.
Warm wishes,

I take this opportunity to express my sincere thanks to my distinguished friend from Poland Julian Rose.
We need each other, we defend the same values and we defy our persecutors in the same way. I like this way of life. Only this way life has a meaning that goes beyond the condition of a social insect, obedient and lacking the need to rise to the vertical perception of life.